Sunday Sibling Surprise

Monday, August 9, 2010

Just a while ago, this silent room of ours was transformed into a laugh factory. My siblings decided to come over before I take a business trip to Manila on Tuesday. We watched previous episodes of gag shows at YouTube. We all laughed our hearts out and chortled out loud until our stomachs suffered gas pains. We had a great lunch together. We had the fraction of moment to share and tell every event in our lives. We learned to laugh at even our most serious foibles.

From this simple moment I realized that I completely managed to have fun. I miss them but I have missed most the feeling of being “light” and jovial once again. I almost forgot my dysmenorrheal pains!

Reunions make me forget the tough times in life. I cannot be with my siblings every time now because I have a family of my own which I must look and take care at all times. Being with my siblings, my “original family,” for quite some time inspires my existence. I am grateful for this moment. Every moment spent with them widens my positivities.

So, what now? Let’s pause and breakaway. Out of our busy noses, once in a while it’s better to leave what’s keeping us that way. Call your brother, leave a note to your best friend or hear Mass with your family. Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter – just SPEND a faction of your time with a loved one. Seize the moment because you’ll never know whether it will happen again. After all, there’s a time for everything in life – a time for work, a time to laugh, a time for our families and a time for Christ.

"Our family is a circle of strength and love, with every birth and every union, the circle will grow, every joy shared adds more love, every crisis faced together, makes the circle stronger." - Unknown


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