My ECG Certificate from CCNAPI

Saturday, August 14, 2010

After three days of toilsome ECG reading, at last, I've finally earned my certificate. I'm not a pro (yet). I need hundreds - better yet - thousands of practice. Dad and Mom always wonder how my certificate looks like. So, for the benefit of the doubt, I'm now displaying a piece of paper to thousands of people with my not-so-bewitching name on it. Three days of agony is worth the wait. Plus, you get the best deal of what you have paid for - no early dismissal, no break extensions, six o'clock maximum dismissals, best instructors, finical and mind boggling exams and take home assignments, free flowing coffee, unlimited snacks (not meals), all the questions you think of asking they'll answer to the best of their abilities and, last but not the least, ambiance is conducive to learning (clean and organized air-conditioned room). Oh, I forgot to mention, hand outs are included too. There's no hassle on writing what the instructor is saying all the time. Everything is laid on the table, what you just need is to listen and comprehend.

Well that is my say. However, some of my colleagues say that lessons are fast paced. Logically speaking, workshops, like this, are (really) supposed to be swift. Reason behind it is that these seminars are only updates to what you have actually learned from four years of studying nursing. Primarily, it's distinguishing how good the student's foundation in medical-surgical nursing is. I have backlogs for this subject matter but I still read few topics days before the start of the seminar. Summing it all up, graduates who want to attend this seminar should be ready and know the basics of ECG reading. The (normal) P-Q-R-S-T-Us have been taught eagerly during college, maybe most of us were not listening that time. But you should know all the basics and the normals so you could have a pretty background of what is and what's not. Not everything is contingent to the instructor's lesson plan, understanding ECG also depends on how the student behaves before, during and after a lesson is taught.

I just hope and pray that I will be able to practice ECG reading on field (when I start working at the hospital). On August 24, I'll be attending another training on respiratory procedures. So soon...which means I'm back on reading thick books again.


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